This was the longest period of my absence from the Internet, Instagram and Facebook. I didn't have anything to share. Well, actually, I had, but somehow, I had no pleasure in doing that.... so I just didn't. I did check the feed sometimes, but there was no need to participate. It felt both weird and good... it's difficult to explain.
Anyways, these weeks after my last post, when I finished the Sandsjöbacka race were intense. Quite a lot happening both at work and home. The training volume was low, really low. I prioritized other things. Was I active!? Oh yeah! 😅😜
After the race I continued to train as usual, at approximately 60% or less of my usual volume, I did add weekly sessions at the gym (crazy, I know), and I continued with good intensity and consistency. I felt better and stronger, and for the first time in years, I had a structure in my training.
Then we went on a family trip and visited Amsterdam. What a lovely city. We enjoyed every step of it. And boy, we walked!!! The first day, 38.000 steps! Crazy, but the best thing is that nobody in the family complained, not even my 14-year-old daughter. Yeah, the next day, we did "just" 25.000 steps! 😜
On the day of our return, I returned home from work, and I felt sick! Again! The same feelings and symptoms as in December. But this time was worse! I was glued to bed for the whole weekend!
Anyhow, I am slowly returning to my training, but my lungs got through some really tough beating. It will take time. The focis now is on rehab, enjoying nature and just be.... nothing more.
Stress is nothing good....