» The UTMB 2023 starts at 18:00 CET on Friday September 1, 2023

Created in 2003, the UTMB is "the most mythical and prestigious trail running race in the world" with 171 kilometers and 10,000 meters of positive elevation gain around the Mont-Blanc through Italy, Switzerland and France. A race like no other, it transcends the sport, and has established itself as an iconic trail race, renowned worldwide.
Read more abou the race by clicking the link below:
I was "lucky" enough that I got a spot for this year. Despite all the issues that I had due to a severely injured foot in December 2022 (grade II inversion and eversion ankle sprain at the same time) and older issues with my groin I decided to continue to train despite all.
I knew the risks, I was well aware that my rehab would be much, much longer, and that my training would be painful. But, because of this race, I decided to "gamble" a bit and risk it. I decided to continue despite the pain but respecting the problem that I had to deal with.
The decision that I made was to lower the overall amount of training (by 50% or more), lower the average weekly vertical gain and add hikes and walks into the equation. I had to add some core and upper training as well due to my overall body weaknesses that I experienced during previous races. As you maybe already know by reading my adventures, I do hate the gym. My son likes the thing, i just hate it and there is nothing that I can do to force me to exercise inside a room with other people that have completely opposite goals.
Thankfully, last year we bought a lovely property outside Gothenburg in the middle of nowhere placed in the evergreen nature. Working in the garden, creating things, cleaning, moving stones, digging etc. gave me a lot of needed exercise and now after this summer period I do feel a bit stronger actually. I just love feeling exhausted after hours excavating in the dirt and moving huge stones. It's quite "mental" actually and at a certain point it gives me almost the same satisfaction as when running long distances. It's quite strange, I know. Still.... :)
Anyhow, here I am now. Just 7 days to the big event and the stress factor is slowly kicking in. I started to dream the trails around Mont Blanc! Crazy!!!
Well, there is not much I can do now. The training is done. I did the best that I could do in order to get rid of my problems and at the same time maximize the benefits and get into a certain level of fitness in the last two months. It's absolutely not enough. I'm far away from the needed numbers for this event. Still, if you asked me in June about the race I could easily predict a negative outcome. Right now I am much more positive about it. I could actually do this thing and reach the finish line!
The thing is that I am going to need a perfect day!
Despite my best effort to get myself into a decent shape, I am going to need help from the "above", I am going to need nice trails, lovely weather, a cool mindset and a body that works. Nevertheless I need my head to be awake for two nights! Because it's tough when starting the race at 18:00 CET heading right into the night. The second night is usually brutal. Due to the elevation gain during the race and being the UTMB much slower than other races, me, as many others non-elite runners will face the second night and the sleep deprivation issues will affect us.
I did a few things to avoid the issues experienced in 2017 with the nutrition. I started my "UTMB race nutrition" regimen as I started the last block of training actually. So, this feels good. I have a good energy plan for this event and hopefully I will stick to it. I know the issues that I might have, I know how to cope with the most of them so I'm quite confident in my knowledge and expertise (acquired during the last year during the certification course).
During the last event in 2019 I managed to train well, I came to the race pumped and ready and I did the following errors that contributed to failure after 100km:
- Started the race waaaaay too fast! / Went with the crowd instead of pacing myself from the very first step. The race starts with the last marathon distance. Everything else is just an adventure.
- Pushed the first downhill trashing my quads / Wanting too much too soon. I need to be patient and trust the process. It's a long race!
- Waited too long to get the jacket on when it got colder / Lazy dude. This contribute to unnecessary energy consumption.
- Waited too long to take proper energy / Too much happening around me. I need to isolate myself and listen to my needs and try to follow a nutrition race-plan.
- Had to stop at the top of a hill / It's much better to avoid to be exposed to the elements such cold and wind.
- Wasted too much time ad the check points / I need to be more efficient there and just move forward.
- Not wait to fix those tiny issues / I need to deal with the smallest issue right there, directly. A tiny stone in the shoe may result in a DNF!
If I slightly manage to avoid those issues, improve my nutrition during the race and avoid being lazy I should be good. I should finish this beast of a race.
I do have a few goals of mine for this race, but the main one is to FINISH the race. Everything else is less important.
If you want to read more about the event feel free to click the link below:
If you want to follow my progress during the race feel free to click this link:
My wife hopefully will find the time to update my Facebook page. I will contact her during the race with updates about my progress, feelings, thoughts etc.
You should be able to follow the event on the LIVE stream on YouTube. You won't be able to see me because I'm not going to race for the "glory" but you could enjoy the race from home, those spectacular views, the nature around the event etc. Feel free to check the link below:


I appreciate and am very thankful for the love and incredible support that my family has patiently given to me during the last months.
Please don't forget to send me some "online love" during the event as well. That energy is a blessing during such events! Thank you all! :)
Kind Regards,
Aramis Sasinka