Another lunch run.


I took my GoPro with me and played a bit with it! I had just approx. 45 minutes to use for my run before my next meeting, so I was in a bit of a hurry.
I felt a bit lazy today. The weather was grey for weeks now, the humidity at top levels as well and running was quite a challenge in the muddy trails. So I choose those easier trails, gravel roads and paved roads when needed. The pace was slower than usual for months now. The idea was and still is to get my training done while avoiding unnecessary stress on my body. Just maintaining the overall good form and avoiding injuries of course.
During these days while the pandemic is testing our intelligence, our discipline and our fitness as well we need to have a proper balance in everything we do. We need to maintain a proper fitness level just in case the virus should get us but we love the sport and we really hope that the social aspect of it will return. I miss my races, I love everything about them! That is one of the reasons why I still log approx 100k every week (well, I'm trying). I don't reach my goal every week. I my energy level is overall low, if I have a bad "feeling" or if my sleeping was bad I just avoid running that day, or choose to do something else instead. There is plenty we can do to stay in shape. Sleeping properly is one valid choice! :)


As stated before, the weather was cloudy, high humidity, it's raining almost every single day but it's still warm. It's unusually warm for November here in the Gothenburg area in Sweden.


Go out, train, enjoy the nature but please respect the surroundings (I hate to see the amount of garbage left in the woods) and stay safe.... these are challenging times but we need to have patience! Eventually and hopefully all this "chaos" will end and we will soon return to a world similar to the one that we remember. Still, it's never be the same.... we have to accept that!


Enjoy this short clip.... I did! :)