Hello my friends,

my training this year was reduced to pure maintaining. As I stated on both Facebook and Instagram platforms that was a planned decision. I just wanted to dedicate more time to my family and the activities needed with our property.

I am happy with the decision. We had a great year, we managed to do a lot, travel, have fun, create things and enjoy life. I managed to paint almost the whole house. Just one part is left to do and I was afraid to start that one due to the colder nights right now in the area.

Yes, the nights are getting colder, the leaves of the threes are changing colors - it's autumn! This means that the race season is approaching to those last races that I usually like to follow. This year I did nor race much, so I got this feeling in my body and mind - a certain kind of "need", almost a necessity to race again. So I applied for the Kullamannen 100k with in mind a few things to test during that race. I wanted to apply some of the knowledge that I acquired during my certification courses and try to ran faster the distance. The other goal was to qualify for the UTMB next year and apply for the lottery 2025.

There was a tiny problem with my "plan". It was not planned well! You need to READ facts before planning things! The thing is that in order to participate at the UTMB race you must ensure that you meet all pre-registration conditions: have at least 1 Running Stone, a valid UTMB Index in the relevant race category to pre-register. Yes.... the "relevant race category" was a problem with my 100k plan. The 100k race is OK for the CCC - not the UTMB!

"Luckily" I managed to convert my application for the 100 mile race.
Luckily? With my training volume?? What was I thinking???

Well, now it's done. The last weeks I tried to increment a bit my training volume and add some quality into the equation. I ran a few runs with bad weather conditions as well, just to feel the possible race conditions during the Kullamannen.

That race is not that tough - on paper! The toughest part of the race are the following components:

- distance (of course)
- monotony due to the neverending flat sections
- the muddy conditions of the trails
- the probable cold weather contitions
- the possibility of tough winds...

You need to be "OK" with all the above challenges and prepare mentally, physically as best as it gets. Than as for every other race the usual gear preparations as required.
I know that my body does NOT have the distance. I know that the only way to finish this race is to play it smart committing no errors during the course. This is going to be tough, very tough!

So... why am I doing this??

Well, apart from the obvious need for the qualifying race for the UTMB 2025 (last opportunity), I do get a lot from such races - mentally! Of course, as much as finishing such a race gives me mentally the same amount of "boost" is taken from me if I should DNF (Did Not Finish). So, I hope to avoid doing that!

If you want to follow me during this adventure feel free to click the links below:
» Kullamannen Ultra 100 Miles (1-2 November | ca. 160k)