* Note: The executable has only been tested using an Ambit2 and Windows 7. This will probably work on Windows 8 and/or additional Suunto GPS models. Advanced Mac/Linux users may still be able to use the backup utility by following method 2 below.

Prerequisites: Must have Moveslink installed and a Suunto device connected.

Method 1
1) Download ambit_backup.zip

2) Extract the files, run ambit_backup.exe

a) Running the ambit_backup.exe utility.

b) GPX (Strava compatible) files will show up in the Documents / ambit_backup folder. Please note the file names contain the date of the recorded activity:

Method 2 (Advanced)
1) Download and install Python 2.7
2) Download and extract ambit_backup_src.zip
3) Run the ambit_backup Python script:
python ambit_backup.py
