During my childhood I loved to express my "art" painting the walls. At that time nobody appreciated and understood that it was surely not the same painting on a piece of a paper and on a solid surface. I liked a lot the feeling, the consistence of the walls, the imperfections and the possibilities I could play with.... I was a child.

During my school days I dreamed that I should paint a wall under my window.... it was too "white". And I did it!  People was pleased, and they were courious about the meaning of the painting. It had no meaning.... I was playing with colours, and simply mixing various techniques obtaining therefore a plastic result with a relief surface... still, how could I say that that particular thing had no meaning whatsoever.... I just left it there..... maybe today somebody painted a fine white surface over again.....

But then in the late 1990's in Germany I had bad luck, financial difficoulties and again it was my capacity of "being different" that saved me. I begun painting in ordinary offices, bedrooms, bathrooms, restaurants etc. My art was interesting and that fact was something that surprized me. So I left Germany. Not really because of my art, I was sarching for something else...

That something else came in Italy after many years..... a family!


It was april 2008, and we decided to move to Sweden and leave Italy, searching for a better life quality. Nobody could predict another economy catastrphy. Today all my IT skills from Italy, all my knowledge has small value in the international labour market. Everything can be purchazed directly from "elsewhere" and once again the only certain skill that I can take advantage of is my art.

Something I always had inside me, burning and waiting to be used.

So, what is my product?

There is no real product! I can vary between various tecniques, mix them together and produce something the customer desires, or best of all, when the customer leaves me to express myself without particular limits or boundaries...

The one thing that is certain, and that I really like to point out is that my customers pay NOTHING if the creation doesn't fulfill theirs expectations (in that case of course I clean everything, including the painting).


Best Regards,
Aramis Sasinka